Latest News from us!

NEW: Basic Swedish

Study mode coming as third step after recordings:

Dictation after sound files and Videos on the way

Try our free Demo!

Now we launch a Blog! Check the menu above here, and go for it.

We will launch effective and reliable language testing. Click here for info…

The Handsfree Courses are here, and the Second Stage is coming: the STUDY MODE, the main in-depth course. The Handsfree Mode is a “lite variant” serving up the main dish!



Шведська мова для українців!
Тепер: 2 і 3 зроблено.. Попереду кілька курсів шведської мови..
Також інші мови: ПОРАДА, напишіть нам, які мови ви хочете!

Це допомагає нам…!

Зараз: 2 готово! Більше приходьте..


We added British English and

also first Swedish lessons

for Polish speakers….


American English for

Chinese speakers.


…and British English for 

Hindi speakers!