Learn a new language?

You did it once, when you were
3-4 years old! Do it again, or just improve your pronounciation...


Switch between languages easily and intuitively. Its far easier than you believe. If you have the motivation, we have the routine. Trust us: We have done this for more than 20 years…

Welcome to a totally old method with us…

Join us here: We like to make things simple! A monthly 5 Euro subscription gives you access to ALL courses.

We do it in 3 steps

1: Handsfree Mode- listen and repeat

These are oral courses, and perfect to  use while you do “other things” like driving a car, washing it or chilling. Here you learn the SOUNDS of a new language, just like you learned to hum along listening to Beyoncé or Bruce Sprinsteen (for us old enough to remember…)

2: HandsFree: Repeat, Translate, record!

Repeat, and repeat again. But this time you get translation And when you get the sounds right, you get the translations, all in the same order as when you were a kid. And now, as adults you have your motivation! Finally you can record yourself and save it!

3: Dictation and in-depth background: 

Here comes the heavy and very important third step: Listening and Dictation with videos, animations and some (!) grammar intended for those of you who cannot sleep at night unless you know ALL! We use normal and real-life material that you will meet in real-life situations.. 

How to do it? It is simple...

Choose your native language. Ukrainian, Polish, English, Hindi and Arabic follows. And then the rest!

(when you  choose your language, all text on page will be in your language. A great way to start!)

True language creation:

We automatically pick words (sounds with apparent meaning!) what we hear, learn the meaning and then we Mix-n’-Match those words, creating meaningful sentences. I learned years ago “My dog can swim”. In Spanish. I remember that it took me a full 10 seconds to change that to “My dad can swim”. Also in Spanish!  

...and you can too!

We made it simple!

Here you hear David, our very virtual presenter, sum things up!

Here is our Swedish website !

Normal language lessons...

Sleeping is best done in class! And the reason is often than they try to  teach us to speak …in books! 

How logical is THAT? Show me a kid that learnt talking by reading instructions in a book!

And if you think that’s only for kids, we’ve got news for you: We are ALL kids, in these matters.


Learn on-the-go!

If you can’t sit still in a classroom, take a hike! Our courses (which still takes guts and determination: “no guts, no glory” remember?) can be done while you bike, run, drive, fry eggs, wash the car or just  SIT in it.

Just go for it…

Tired of the "e-eeeeeh?"

Anyone NOT living under a rock needs to communicate more than by making faces, or showing fingers. And trust me its nice to be able to leave the hotel and actually be able to buy the bread you want in the local bakery.

And then, there is the work-thing!

Work well, at work!

One thing is to be able to get on the right bus, an entirely different thing is to function effectively at work! …or even to GET that work, in the first place. You don’t get far with “almost understood it” or not hear difference between “bread” and “head”. 

Or “speak in presens” only. NO WAY